
NATIONAL CANCER SURVIVORS DAY | Episode 66 | Weekends With PsorPhil


A CELEBRATION for those who have survived, an INSPIRATION for those recently diagnosed, a GATHERING of support for families, and an OUTREACH to the community

Surviving cancer can seem like an unreachable dream to someone who's just been diagnosed, or who's in the middle of treatment. It's important to remember that many, many people make it through cancer treatment and into remission, moving on to live full and healthy lives.

As we celebrate Cancer Survivors Day, let us join and listen to the wonderful journey of our hosts Carol and Liza and meaningful advice from our guest, Dra. Gia Baquiran Sison

Catch Weekends With PsorPhil streaming live at 8 pm every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at PsorPhil's Official Facebook Page ( and PsorPhil's Official YouTube Page (PsorPhil Channel

#NationalCancerSurvivorsDay #NCSD2021 #CelebrateLife #BeatCancer #cancersurvivor #cancer #cancerfree #cancerfighter #cancerwarrior #cancerday #cancerawareness

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Psoriasis Philippines (PsorPhil) is the ONLY FILIPINO group recognized by the International Federation of Psoriasis Association and the International Psoriasis Network. Psorphil is a founding member of PsorAsia+Pacific.
Psorphil Secretariat 
• Mandaluyong, Philippines
• +932 8926928