
FOREVER YOUNG: WHY YOU'LL ALWAYS BE A KID AT HEART | Episode 64 | Weekends With PsorPhil

Masaya ba ang childhood mo?

Naging "Mother" ka ba sa 10/20 at nanalo sa ubusang lahi?
Nagkanotebook ka ba na ang cover ay yung mga artista?
Madami ka bang nilaklak na Coke para makakuha ng madaming POGS?
Nakapag-paanak ka ba ng Kisses?
Madami ka bang nainom na Nido para makakuha ng Tales of the World storybook?

Being a kid at heart is not a question of age, but more so a question of spirit.
You can be a child by enjoying small things and being happy with almost anything.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing."

A fun-filled and trip down memory lane episode with our guest Patz Remulla.

Catch Weekends With PsorPhil streaming live at 8 pm every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at PsorPhil's Official Facebook Page ( and PsorPhil's Official YouTube Page (PsorPhil Channel

#Batang90s #ChildhoodNostalgia #MasayaChildhoodNamin

Read 986 times Last modified on Friday, 11 June 2021 00:22
Psoriasis Philippines (PsorPhil) is the ONLY FILIPINO group recognized by the International Federation of Psoriasis Association and the International Psoriasis Network. Psorphil is a founding member of PsorAsia+Pacific.
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• +932 8926928