
A MOTHER'S LOVE | Episode 49 | Weekends With PsorPhil


A MOTHER'S LOVE | Episode 49 | Weekends With PsorPhil

They say that a mother's love is immeasurable. It's deeper than a bottomless pit and larger than an infinite space. A mother's love is pure and selfless. Raising a child with Psoriasis is never easy and totally challenging in many aspects. Here in PsorPhil, we have brave mothers, Mom, Mama, Nanay, Ina that are able to prove that. The love for her child or children with Psoriasis, no matter what the circumstances and challenges are, remains strong. Join us tonight and be inspired by our devoted, courageous, and compassionate mothers: Margie Padul and Cherryvil Motita.

Catch Weekends With PsorPhil streaming live at 8pm every Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays at PsorPhil's Official Facebook Page (​) and PsorPhil's Official YouTube Page (PsorPhil Channel​)


Read 913 times Last modified on Saturday, 08 May 2021 00:23
Psoriasis Philippines (PsorPhil) is the ONLY FILIPINO group recognized by the International Federation of Psoriasis Association and the International Psoriasis Network. Psorphil is a founding member of PsorAsia+Pacific.
Psorphil Secretariat 
• Mandaluyong, Philippines
• +932 8926928