
NATIONAL PET PARENT'S DAY | Episode 44 | Weekends With PsorPhil

NATIONAL PET PARENT'S DAY | Episode 44 | Weekends With PsorPhil

Did you know that owning a pet gives a lot of health benefits? Pets can help manage loneliness and depression by giving us companionship. They can increase opportunities to exercise, socialize; and regular bonding with pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels and many more.

Let's have fun and enjoy this episode with ardent pet enthusiasts: Marvin Renon and Lolli Mae Guab.

Catch Weekends With PsorPhil streaming live at 8pm every Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays at PsorPhil's Official Facebook Page (​) and PsorPhil's Official YouTube Page (PsorPhil Channel​)


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Psoriasis Philippines (PsorPhil) is the ONLY FILIPINO group recognized by the International Federation of Psoriasis Association and the International Psoriasis Network. Psorphil is a founding member of PsorAsia+Pacific.
Psorphil Secretariat 
• Mandaluyong, Philippines
• +932 8926928